METU JFA is a biannual refereed publication of the Middle East Technical University published every June and December, and offers a comprehensive range of articles contributing to the development of knowledge in man-environment relations, design and planning.
METU JFA accepts submissions in English or Turkish, and assumes that the manuscripts received by the Journal have not been published previously or that are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The Editorial Board claims no responsibility for the opinions expressed in the published manuscripts.
METU JFA is indexed/abstracted by the following databases: ABZU (A guide to information related to the study of the Ancient Near East on the Web);; Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI); Avery Index (AIAP); The British Architectural Library (The RIBA Index, API); DAAI (Design and Applied Arts Index); DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); EBSCOhost Art & Architecture Complete; EBSCOhost Art Source; Elsevier Scopus; Gale Publishers Group; Intute: Arts and Humanities; TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM-SBVT; TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM-MTBVT; Ulrich’s Periodical Directory.