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A/L SUBERAMANIAN, Kumaran, Department of Indian studies, Faculty of Arts and Social sciences, University of Malaya,KualaLumpur (Malaysia)
ACAR, Aktan (Turkey)
ACAR, Esin
ACAR, Melis, TED University (Turkey)
ACAR, Sibel
ADIGÜZEL, Hatice (Turkey)
AFACAN, Yasemin, Bilkent University, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Department (Turkey)
AHMED, Suneela, NED University of Engineering and Technology (Pakistan)
AKALIN, Aysu (Turkey)
AKALIN, Aysu, Gazi University
AKDER, Feyza (Turkey)
AKGÜN GÜLTEKİN, Asiye, Istanbul Kültür University (Turkey)
AKIN, Fazıl
AKIN, Şahin, Norwegian University of Science and Technology-Energy and Process Engineering Middle East Technical University-Department of Architecture (Turkey)
AKKAR ERCAN, Müge, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü, Ankara (Turkey)
AKPINAR, Abdullah, Adnan Menderes University (Turkey)
AKTAŞ, Bilge Merve
AKTAŞ, Bilge Merve, Aalto University (Finland)
AL ASALI, Mohammad Wesam, Bsc. Damascus University (Denmark)
ALANGOYA, Kezban Ayça (Turkey)
ALANKUŞ, Gazihan, Department of Mechatronics, Faculty of Engineering, Izmir University of Economics, Izmir, TURKEY. (Turkey)
ALANYALI ARAL, Ela, Çankaya University, Department of Architecture (Turkey)
ALANYALI ARAL, Ela, Middle East Technical University (Turkey)

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