Mütareke İstanbul’unda Konut Sorunu (1918-1922)
In this essay landlord-tenant relation which is an unknown problem of Turkey during the process from 30 October 1918 to the day when occupation forces left Istanbul were analyzed. Suffering from occupation in this period when the dwelling stocks are about to exhaust due to fires as well, Istanbulites had difficulty finding a roof over their head. Immıgrant flooding into city triggered dwelling problem too. At the same days, daily wages of laborers and prices of construction materials increased a lot and home constructions nearly stopped. In the midst of this landlords used increasing housing demands for their own interestsshowing high inflation and cost of living as a reason. They started to rent their houses with outrageous prices.
Tenants who are mostly composed of wage-earners established a community and started organized opposition against landlords. They struggled in order to achieve their goal. Landlords established a community as well. Although parties tried to solve the problem through dialogues under the chairmanship of commissioners they could not accomplish a result. When the tenant, landlord and commissioner trio was accompanied by allied administration of Istanbul, the problem turned into a total chaos. Republican administration accepted such Istanbul.
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PDF (Türkçe)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4305/metu.jfa.2015.2.7
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